The purpose of Title I is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.
The Board of Directors of the IACS has set expectations for parental involvement through an organized and systematic approach to encourage parental participation in the education process for their children The expectations include having IACS conduct at least annual meetings with parents of Title I students and comply with all terms of that policy to create the named partnerships and compact. At Idaho Arts Charter School, we think it is imperative that staff and parents partner for success of our students. IACS utilizes the following forms of communication to ensure this partnership:
Weekly e-newsletters
Phone calls home
Student Led Conferences
Individual class newsletters
School website
Parent trainings and meetings
Reader board and bulletin boards in the school
Idaho Arts Charter School (IACS) operates as a schoolwide program. This means that Title I resources are used to benefit all students at IACS.
IACS Parent and Family Engagement Policy
IACS Parent and Family Engagement Guidelines