Title IX

Title IX is a Federal Regulation that protects everyone, both students and staff, from sexual misconduct and discrimination regardless of:

  • Gender

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Gender Identity

  • Gender Expression

This means you have a right to be free from:

  • Unequal treatment in educational programs or employment

  • Sexual Harassment, such as unwelcome sexual advances, stalking or harassment on social media,

  • Sexual violence, such as sexual assault, dating violence or domestic violence


For more information or to report potential Title IX concerns, please contact:

Your building administrator or the

Idaho Arts Charter School Title IX Coordinator


Marie McGrath
Title IX Coordinator
1220 5th St N, Nampa, ID 83646
208-463-4324 ext 448
[email protected]

Related District Policy

294 Civil Rights Grievance Procedure
506 Student Harassment
4120 Uniform Grievance Procedure
4120F Grievance Form
5120 Equal Employment and Non-Discrimination
3280 Equal Education, Nondiscrimination, and Sex Equity


K-12 Certified Title IX Investigator Training
K-12 Certified TItle IX Decision Maker Training
K-12 Certified Title IX Coordinator Training
K-12 Certified Informal Resolution Training